Subject: MSR Jesse James, the Outlaw Author: W. B. Lawson Uploaded By: HOST Comp Joots Date: 9/28/2002 File: Jesse James, the Outlaw A Narrative of the James Boys.lit (194407 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 21 Equipment: Windows computer or Pocket PC Needs: MS Reader Keywords: Jesse James, the Outlaw, The Jesse James Stories: Original Narratives of the James Boys, No.1, W.B. Lawson, Western Dime Novel The Jesse James Stories: Original Narratives of the James Boys, No. 1 By W. B. Lawson "I at that moment had him at such a disadvantage as probably no man ever before had had the dreaded Jesse James. I could easily have shot him dead then and there, and thus have rid the world of perhaps the most successful, murderous and desperate bandit who has ever luridly illuminated the pages of American criminality. But I have never been an assassin, even in dealing with assassins. Moreover, my object was to devise means for the capture of him and his brother alive, and on this I was staking my all." The Jesse James Stories: original narratives of the James Boys, No 1, appeared in 1901 as a series of weekly magazine publications. They were in the tradition of the dime novels; graphic stories of the wild west, urban detectives, or working girls. In England they were called penny dreadfuls. This type of publication flourished from the mid to the end of the 19th century due to mechanization of publishing, better shipping methods and the rising rate of literacy of the general population. At keyword: Etext, you'll find thousands of interesting books.